Thursday, August 7, 2008

Journal 5

Connecting Depth and Balance in Class
Kuhn, Matthew S. (2008). Connecting depth and balance in class. Learning & Leading, 36, Retrieved August 6, 2008, from

This article Connecting Depth and Balance in class Kuhn talks about how technology in education has evolved and improve over the last few years. Technology now makes learning more fun, creative and interactive. These new tools of technology helps adapt to many different learners and helps them be more creative and helps them think in a more critical way. Tools such as blogging and social networking teaches students how to collaborate and interact with their fellow classmates
1.What are other tools of technology is available today in schools? Other things like having a wiki colloboration websites are used so students can work together and see what other students think about certain subjects of important matter.
2.Why are some teachers so afraid to incorporate technology in their classrooms? I believe the lack of training and knowledge in technology is the main reason why the older teachers are afraid to use these new tools although they are very effective. I think schools need to take responsibility in training and educating older teachers about these new and effective tools for teaching.

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